Best Treadmill

Refurbished Treadmills – What You Need to Know Before Buying It?

Refurbished Treadmills

One of the main reasons that you must put off your desire to buy a treadmill is because of its price. Treadmills are expensive and it’s really hard to find a quality Treadmill in a budget price range. If you are in the market to buy a Treadmill, but the price is not in your range, then you must surely take a look at refurbished treadmills.


What are Refurbished Treadmills?

Refurbished Treadmills are used treadmills that are restored to their original condition by fixing problems with them. They are normally fixed by authorized engineers to restore the used treadmills to their factory specifications. They normally go for sale at a less expensive price than their brand-new counterpart as they are used.

Refurbished treadmills are more expensive than their second-hand used counterparts, parts of sewing machines but they are a much safer bet than second-hand ones. Second-hand treadmills are used ones but may have potential problems with it that are not fixed, unlike refurbished ones. So, if you decide to buy a used treadmill for a lower price, then definitely go for the refurbished one as they will have a longer life without any problems.

How are they Refurbished and by who?

Refurbished Treadmills

Normally, treadmills from gyms and sports centers are refurbished when they become old, so the center can upgrade to a new model. Treadmills are refurbished either by the brand which manufactured the treadmill or by a private outlet. The factory(brand) refurbished treadmills are safer than an outlet refurbished cause they are sent to the authentic manufacturer. These treadmills will have authentic parts replaced if needed, painted, and thoroughly checked for any flaws in them.

Because of this, the factory-refurbished treadmills are highly dependable and give you a better guarantee. The outlet refurbished treadmills don’t necessarily meet the high-standard revamping process like the factory-refurbished ones, but they do cost less than the factory-refurbished ones. They may not be as dependable as the factory-refurbished ones, but if you are on a tight budget, then you can take a look at the outlet ones. The outlet-refurbished treadmills are also easy to come by than the factory-refurbished ones.

There is also a remanufactured treadmill where the parts are replaced as they must’ve worn out because of intense use. If you are not on a tight budget, then try to get refurbished or remanufactured treadmills from authentic brands than a private outlet refurbished treadmills.

Things to check before buying a refurbished treadmill

There are certain things that you should look out for in a refurbished treadmill before buying out one for you. Investing in a refurbished treadmill can go wrong if any one of the following points is not right.

1. Refurbished place

Refurbished place Treadmills

As explained above, check where the treadmills are refurbished. Treadmills are generally refurbished by either the brand that made them or by a private outlet. Both of them are better than a second-hand treadmill, but your first choice must be the treadmill refurbished by an authentic factory.

With the factory outlet treadmill, you can be assured of the quality but it comes at a high price than the private outlet treadmills. Though it is cheap and easy to get, the private outlet refurbished treadmills don’t give you the assurance or the guarantee you get with the factory refurbished one. So, your first choice should always be the factory outlet refurbished treadmills unless you are on a tight budget.

2. Warranty of the refurbished treadmill

The warranty for the refurbished machine should definitely be your priority. Don’t buy a treadmill without a warranty even if it is a refurbished one. A longer warranty period means the treadmill is better refurbished. You should at least get 3 months of warranty with a refurbished treadmill. You will most likely get a good warranty period with a factory outlet refurbished treadmill as they undergo a good quality control process than a private outlet refurbished treadmill.

3. Age of the Refurbished treadmill

Age of the Refurbished treadmill

The age of the treadmill is the period it has been used before it had been revamped. The lesser the age of the treadmill, the fewer the problems will be. So try to get a refurbished treadmill with usage years of lesser than two or three. You will find refurbished treadmills with a lesser age period from gyms as they frequently sell their treadmills to upgrade to the new model.

4. Check the brand and model

Even though the price will be low, don’t buy a refurbished treadmill from a cheap brand. You should buy a refurbished treadmill only from a reputable brand. It will cost more than a non-reputable brand, but it will work for a long time, so you will get your money’s worth in the long run. Search the internet for a good brand and model. Then, try to get a refurbished treadmill of the model. It will serve you well.

5. Go for a test run

test run Refurbished Treadmills

You are going to be using the treadmill for a long time, so it is better to go for a test run before you buy it. Make sure that you are comfortable with the belt size, speed, and other features of the treadmill. Also, check if you can find any faults with the refurbished treadmill. Make sure the suspension, incline angle feature, heart rate sensor, Bluetooth, and other features of the treadmill are working well. If you are satisfied with the condition and the working of the treadmill, then proceed to buy it.


With a good refurbished treadmill, you don’t have to hold off your desire to buy a treadmill within your budget. They cost very less but work like their brand-new counterparts. The only thing is that you should get a well-refurbished treadmill from a reputable brand.

Buying a good refurbished treadmill should not be hard as there are a number of online websites like Amazon and Walmart selling it. We hope that you get an idea about how to buy a refurbished treadmill from this article and get a good one for yourself.


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