
Are Oranges Acidic? Do Acid Reflux and Oranges Mix?

Are Oranges & Orange Juice Acidic

Oranges are tasty and refreshing fruit that is also highly popular and accessible in all parts of the world. Needless to say, they are also rich in vitamins and healthy nutrients for normal functions of the body. But are oranges acidic? We did a bit of research and came up with answers we would like to share with you.

One of the main differences between acidic, alkaline, or basic compounds is whether they can dissociate into hydroxide or hydrogen ions in the water. The acidity of foods is measured on a pH scale, and everything that has a value below seven is considered acidic. In this article, we will talk about the acidity of oranges and dive deep into their nutritive value. So, without further redo, let us get right into it.


Are Oranges and Orange Juice Acidic?

Oranges are indeed acidic fruit. Given the fact that they are a member of the citrus family, you likely already assumed they were. The pH of oranges can vary depending on different factors, but generally speaking, they have a pH between 3.6 and 4.3, meaning that they are highly acidic.

Pretty much the same goes for orange juice, which can actually be even more acidic. Its pH varies between 3.3 and 4.3, which is also a highly acidic value.

Orange juice

Can Oranges Aggravate Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a condition when you have an extra amount of acid in your stomach that comes back into the esophagus. This condition is more likely to occur when consuming acidic foods.

Given the fact that oranges are a highly acidic fruit, they can indeed aggravate this condition. This is especially the case if you have active gastritis. In this condition, eating oranges or drinking orange juice can cause acid reflux or heartburn.

However, sometimes orange juice can actually be a good food for heartburn. This is due to the fact that oranges can have an alkalizing effect after they get metabolized. But, this is the case only when you consume them moderately, and it works for mild heartburn.

Why Are Oranges Considered a Superfood?

Oranges are considered a superfood since they are very healthy and delicious snacks that can be great additions to salads and ingredients for a wide variety of recipes. Aside from being rich in vitamin C, they also contain calcium, potassium, fiber, folate, and high amounts of B vitamins.

oranges nutrition facts

According to the USDA, 100 grams of all commercial varieties of raw orange contain the following:

  • Energy – 47 kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 11.75 grams
  • Sugars – 9.35 grams
  • Soluble fiber – 2.4 grams
  • Fat 0.12 grams
  • Protein – 0.94 grams
  • Water – 86.75 grams

This fruit is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals that largely contribute to health and overall well-being. Here is the list of vitamin content in 100 grams.

  • Vitamin A
  • Thiamine (vitamin B)
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate (vitamin B9)
  • Choline
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

Benefits of Oranges

Benefits of Oranges

Although acidic, oranges deliver a wide range of health benefits to your health and overall well-being. In the section below, we are going to list some of these benefits and explain how oranges can help if implemented in a regular diet.

Improved Sleep

Eating oranges, especially during night hours, can improve the quality of your sleep. Oranges can boost the level of serotonin hormones that are very important for quality rest. Also, they have compounds that can assist in stress and anxiety reduction by reducing cortisol levels in your body.

Improved Immune System Strength

Oranges possess plenty of vitamin C that can boost the strength of your immune system. When you consume oranges, this vitamin can aid your body in repairing and regenerating healthy cells. This is a very important process, as it can reduce the chance of various diseases and conditions.

Improved Vision

Eating oranges or drinking orange juice can also boost the vitamin A levels in your body. Increasing the intake of this vitamin can prevent macular degeneration, cataract, and other eye diseases.

Oranges Control Blood Pressure

Oranges offer plenty of potassium, which is excellent in blood pressure management. Moreover, frequent consumption of oranges can be very healthy for your heart and effective in cardiovascular disease prevention.

Types of Oranges

Types of Oranges

Oranges are typically categorized into two types – sweet and bitter. Each of these types has numerous varieties, and each of the varieties has different characteristics. In fact, there are over 600 different varieties around the globe.

Sweet Orange

Sweet oranges are divided into four classes, including common orange, blood orange, navel orange, and acidless oranges. Each of these varieties differs in visual appearance and flavor, with some varieties that do not even have seeds.

Common Orange

People that are all about health and healthy nutrition often prefer common oranges when making the juice. This variety of oranges is accessible all over the world, hence the name. Since it has been one of the most popular fruits since the early civilizations, you can find different varieties of this fruit that are also considered common oranges.

Some of the most widely grown out of all of these varieties include Valencia and Hamlin, which are highly popular and available in most markets and grocery stores.

Are Navel and Acidless Oranges Less Acidic?

Oranges health Benefits

Both navel and acidless oranges indeed contain very little acid. The navel is one of the most popular types of this fruit, and they are preferred due to their high vitamin C content, low acid content, and exquisite sweetness.

On the other hand, acidless oranges are not completely acidless, as the name suggests, but they do indeed have low acid content. However, that same low-acid content results in having very little flavor. Due to this fact, they are often eaten raw and not juiced. Still, experts classify this variety as “sweet.”

Final Words

Although oranges offer a wide variety of health benefits and contain numerous nutrients that are necessary for body health, they are still an acidic food. The high acid content in this fruit can only aggravate acid reflux, so it is best to avoid them if you have this condition.

However, if you cannot resist this fruit, there are variations that are less acidic, so you might be able to eat them in moderation. The best course of action would be to consult your doctor or nutritionist.

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