
How To Get Skinny Legs: Mesomorph Guidelines

get skinny legs

If you’re going to the gym regularly, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet but still not seeing the desired results, you’re not alone. There are a lot of people who struggle even though they’re doing everything right, and there is a good reason for that. The answer likely lies in knowing your body type and what you should do according to it.

We’re here to walk you through some of the most important mesomorph guidelines so that you can learn exactly what to do in and out of the gym to get the results of your dreams! Find all of the info listed below.


Understand Your Body Type – Mesomorph Body Type Explained

Mesomorph body type

The notion that there are three generic body compositions that people are predisposed to have is known as body type or somatotype. The three somatotypes—endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph—were named by Dr. W.H. Sheldon when he first proposed the idea in the early 1940s.

A person’s somatotype was once thought to be irreversible, and some physiological and psychological traits were even thought to be dictated by which one they aligned to.

Sheldon says that endomorphs always have rounded, soft bodies, mesomorphs always have square, muscular bodies and ectomorphs always have thin, fine-boned bodies.

He argued that these body types directly impacted a person’s mentality, and he picked the names because he thought the dominant characteristics of each somatotype were indisputable. In this article, we will focus on the mesomorph body type and its characteristics.

Mesomorphs are naturally muscular people with average-sized bodies, broader shoulders than small waists, powerful arms and legs, and low levels of body fat. Mesomorphs frequently require a little higher calorie intake (because muscle takes more calories to sustain it) and also more protein than the other body types do since they are naturally predisposed to create muscle (again, for muscle maintenance).

Mesomorphs typically have easy weight loss or growth. Typically, mesomorphs are firm and powerful, neither overweight nor underweight. Their bodies might be characterized as rectangular and upright.

Best Diet for Mesomorph Body Type

Mesomorph diet

You cannot alter your body type by following a certain diet since body types depend on your skeletal frame size and natural predisposition to be more muscular or retain more fat. However, you may adjust your eating patterns to best suit your body type and promote a healthy weight.

Mesomorphs, once more, are prone to weight gain and loss. They could require more calories than other body types due to their larger muscular mass, but it’s a fine balance. Mesomorphs could do better on diets higher in protein and lower in carbs. Think about incorporating the following foods into your diet if you’re a mesomorph:

  • Protein—Muscles are fueled by protein, which can also aid in muscle healing. Eggs, white meats, fish, beans, lentils, and dairy products high in protein, such as Greek yogurt, are all excellent alternatives
  • Fruits and Veggies—All body types should include fruits and vegetables in their diets. Select unprocessed, whole fruits and vegetables with their skins over those that have been processed and have extra salt or sugar. A healthy immune system and muscle regeneration are supported by the fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals found in whole produce
  • Whole Grains and Healthy Fats—Quinoa, brown rice, and oatmeal are examples of whole grains and lipids that assist complete meals by filling the stomach. Although picking the proper fats is vital, fats are equally important. Good options include avocado, nuts & seeds, coconut or olive oils, and coconut

Best Exercises To Get Skinny Legs for Mesomorph Body Type

1. Cardio

Cardio training

Consistent cardio workouts are necessary to maintain a lean body for a mesomorph so as to prevent gaining too much fat. It should become a regular component of the workout program to include 30 to 45 minutes of cardio activity three to five times each week.

Mesomorphs with lower body fat levels should only do cardio twice each week. Cardio interval training, also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is advised two to three times per week, combined with one to two sessions of steady-state cardio, for the best results in reducing body fat. In interval training, periods of mild effort are interspersed with short bursts of vigorous exertion.

HIIT may burn more calories, but adding in some steady-state cardio or continuous aerobic exercise is less strenuous on the body and helps you prevent overtraining. While maintaining an increase in your aerobic foundation, cardio also lowers your chance of injury.



High-intensity interval training is much more than what its name would imply. In reality, the term “HIIT” refers to a highly specialized and unique form of exercise, and it is feasible to perform interval training without engaging in a true HIIT workout.

You’ll still get many of the same advantages from that modified HIIT even if actual HIIT could look a bit different from the HIIT you’re used to practicing. Even if the lengthier work periods aren’t at your maximum effort, you’ll still experience some positive cardiovascular advantages as well as gains in strength and muscular endurance.

When performing those strenuous exercises, HIIT raises your heart rate, which might aid in weight reduction (if that is your aim), since you will be burning more calories than you would with other lower-intensity exercises. Because of this, it is also a practical type of exercise for individuals with limited time.

Do a five-minute warm-up, e.g., a light jog, then proceed to do eight 30-second sprints separated by a two-minute stroll or leisurely jog for recuperation. Follow this up by walking and stretching for five minutes to cool down.

3. Weight Training

Weight Training

Mesomorphs have large, dense muscles, which naturally make them powerful. The best way to promote muscle growth is to lift moderate to heavy weights five days a week with little rest in between sets.

For each muscle group, perform eight to twelve repetitions of three to four exercises. Each exercise should be performed a minimum of three times, with a 30- to 90-second break in between sets.

Strength and stamina may be encouraged without growing muscular bulk by varying your weight-training regimen by utilizing more reps with smaller weights, incorporating body-weight exercises, and employing techniques like super sets and circuit training.

4. Other Exercises

1. Donkey Kicks

Get down on all fours, hands precisely beneath shoulders, knees under the hip, and follow the next steps:

  • Make sure your back is straight and tucked in your chin just a little so that the back of your neck is looking up
  • Activate your lower abs without bending your spine
  • Keeping your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle, steadily raise your leg straight back and upwards
  • Before your back begins to arch or your hips start to twist, you are at your maximum height
  • Go back to the beginning place. After finishing all repetitions on one side, swap legs

2. The Bird Dog

This exercise targets the lower back, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. Additionally, it works wonders for improving balance. You’ll want to practice this exercise regularly once you’ve mastered it. It could require you a few tries to maintain good form and establish your balance. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start with your hands approximately shoulder width apart, legs bent
  • Straighten your back, neck, and head at all times
  • As if you were going to grasp something, extend your right arm in front of you
  • In the same motion, kick your left leg back until it is parallel to and extended straight from your torso
  • Hold for one complete count
  • Ankle weights may be added to this once you’ve mastered the balance part
  • Repeat until the entire set is done, then swap sides

3. The Rainbow Leg Lift

The workout is an excellent one since it uses several muscle groups. Along with conditioning the hamstrings and lower back, this definitely works up your core and booty. Follow these steps to perform it:

  • Kneel down, keeping your hands at shoulder width apart from your legs. The toe of your left leg should be virtually touching the ground
  • Now extend that leg such that it forms an arc and crosses your right leg
  • After bringing the leg back and touching the ground with your toe, go back to the start
  • Once you’ve kept going until you feel the heat, switch legs

4. The Mountain Climber

This workout is brutal because it raises your heart rate while exercising practically every muscle in your body, including your arms, abdomen, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Combined aerobic and strength training is always very effective. You should begin in a plank posture for this exercise, then follow the next steps:

  • Keep your core pulled in while attempting to squeeze your glutes
  • Pull your right knee up to your chest now, then pull your left leg up to your chest and quickly switch legs
  • Your legs should be switched as fast as possible
  • Keep your plank stance and contract your glutes and abs. Also, resist the urge to bow your head


Now that you’re properly introduced to all the important things regarding your mesomorph body type, you can start working out right away! Be patient and consistent, and you’ll see your desired results in no time!

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