
How Many Calories Does An Insanity Workout Burn – Details Of Calories Burned in Insanity

Calories Does An Insanity Workout Burn

How many calories does an insanity workout burn? This is the question on the lips of many who have heard about the effectiveness of this workout.

It is a well-known fact that regular exercising helps one keep fit via different low or high-intensity activities.

However, for most individuals, creating time to hit the gym can be difficult. This is where the insanity workout comes into the picture.

Insanity workout is a tested and trusted way to exercise without hitting the gym or using any equipment, making it an excellent alternative for regular fitness exercises.

Want to know more about this workout? Let’s dive into it.


What is Insanity Workout?

Insanity Workout can be defined as a highly improved workout plan that focuses on every part of the body.

It involves high-intensity training at intervals and well-drilled exercises for body weight.

This well-rounded workout aims to consistently push you beyond your present physical condition to your best body conditioning.

It is pretty challenging to carry out as it requires great effort and commitment.

What makes an insanity workout an excellent fitness option to consider is that you neither need to go to the gym nor use any equipment.

All you need to do is find a space in your bedroom or living room to carry out the daily routines.

The high-intensity nature of this workout demands that you push yourself beyond the limit for a short time.

Also, there’s a diet plan that must be strictly adhered to and drinks for recovery.

This workout aims to help you lose weight swiftly by burning calories and enhancing your aerobic fitness. For every 3-minute exercise you execute, there’s a 30 seconds break.

The concept of an insanity workout was brought into the spotlight by a fitness company, Beachbody. And the step-by-step guide was instructed by fitness demonstrator, Shaun T.

Types of Exercises to Perform

Just like any other workout program, insane workout offers various types of exercises. These different exercise patterns are divided into two sets that span 60 days(30 days for each set).

It is designed to help you get the desired physical result in the space of two months. It consists of 10 intense workouts.

Each of these workouts falls within the time range of 30 to 60 minutes. During this 2-month program, you will have to work out for six days weekly with just one day set aside for rest. Sounds tasking, right?

Here are the five full-body oriented exercises you will be performing in the first 30 days(1 month) program:

  • Pure Cardio – Intervals for Cardio(40 minutes)
  • Cardio Recovery – For recovery and stretching(30 minutes)
  • Cardio Power and Resistance – Focused on Cardio circuit and upper body strength(40 minutes)
  • Fit Test – Fitness Level Determinant(30 minutes)
  • Plyometrics Cardio Circuit – Aimed at the lower body and Cardio polymetric circuit(40 minutes)

Here are the four full-body oriented exercises you will be performing in the second 30 days(1 month) program:

  • Max Recovery – Stretches and Recovery workout(50 minutes)
  • Max Cardio Conditioning – Concentrated on the cardio circuit(50 minutes)
  • Max Interval Plyo – For power movements and leg plyometric workout(55 minutes)
  • Max Interval Circuit – For intensified interval circuit(60 minutes)

Note that these are not all the exercise patterns and details you will need to perform this workout.

To get the complete information, you need to buy the whole training.

After purchasing it, you will see how the exercise patterns are scheduled, the order, and the duration for execution.

Every week, you will get a new exercise pattern to follow, which will differ from the previous ones in implementation and duration. The insanity workout comprises of:

  • An Insanity Workout Schedule
  • An Insanity Diet Plan
  • An Insanity Quick Start Guide
  • An Insanity Fit Test Workout

Once you are done with the insanity workout scheduled for the first 30 days, you might be want to go straight to the next.

However, there’s a week between the first and second phases of the insanity workout called Recovery week.

At first glance, it looks like a week assigned for relaxation after the first phase of the insanity workout, but it is the opposite.

You still have to sweat it out in this recovery week. That’s strange, right? During the recovery week, you will have to perform a balanced routine and core cardio.

The recovery week’s idea is to get you ready for what lies ahead in the coming days. It gets even more demanding during the second phase of 30 day’s insane workout.

How Many Calories Does An Insanity Workout Burn?

Insanity Workout burns up to 1000 calories every hour. This is based on information from the insanity workout website.

It is also worth noting that you have to work out at a very high-intensity level to burn 1000 calories.

The effectiveness of the insanity workout plan has been proven time after time. No wonder they call this workout plan a fast route to achieving fitness and attaining your dream beach body.

How to Calculate Burn Calories


You can calculate burn calories or total energy expended using the Calorie burned formula.

This formula depends on your overall activity level, the thermic effect of food, and basal metabolic rate. They are measured in MET(Metabolic Equivalent For Task).

For instance, activities like aerobic dancing may have higher METs or lower METs depending on the amount of impact Here’s how the formula works:

Total Calories Burned = Duration (measured in minutes) × MET value × 3.5 × weight(measured in kg) ÷ 200

You can do this calculation on your calculators. In recent times, most calculators have inbuilt MET functions. There are also other factors that influence the rate of burning calories. This includes:

  • Intake of Oxygen
  • Sleep
  • Diet
  • Fitness Level
  • Temperature
  • Body composition
  • Age

Benefits of Insanity Workout

Benefits of Insanity Workout

Over the years, insanity workout has been proven effective by individuals who have used the program and gotten great results.

The nature of this workout allows you to combine a variety of exercises in one move that influences your whole body.

Sounds impactful, right? As they say, “no pain, no gain.” There’s more you stand to benefit when you attempt the insanity workout. Let’s show you.

  • Enhances aerobic fitness
  • Strengthens the whole body
  • Aids burning of fats and calories
  • Boosts your endurance level
  • It doesn’t require any equipment

1. Enhances Aerobic Fitness

Most of the exercises on the insanity workout program are fast-paced.

This means that heavy breathing will be involved throughout the duration of the work out giving room for efficient oxygen intake that is delivered to the muscles in motion.

2. Strengthens the Whole Body

Many exercises on the schedule for insanity workout are body-oriented such as squats and push-ups.

Others include activities aimed at improving the abs, chest, legs, and triceps.

If you stick to the insanity workout 60-day plan, there will be a noticeable growth in your muscles. The main priority of the insanity workout is building strength and endurance.

3. Aids Burning of Fats and Calories

Adhering to the high-intensity insanity workout program can consistently help you lose as much as 1000 calories during a workout routine.

Simply put, the number of calories that you can lose in a workout depends on how much intensity you can put in.

The higher the intensity, the greater the calories burn and kilos shed. This makes the workout ideal for any individual in dire need of swift weight loss.

4. Boosts Your Endurance Level

As stated earlier, the main priority of an insanity workout is to enhance your strength and endurance.

So, it is no surprise that this workout helps in boosting your cardiovascular system.

If you wish to enhance your muscle endurance and boost your cardiovascular fitness level, stick to the insanity workout daily.

5. Doesn’t Require Any Equipment

Going to the gym or buying gym equipment can be an expensive price to pay for your physical fitness.

For this reason, an insanity workout offers you a much-needed solution that not only saves you money but saves you time.

Without spending a dime and from any part of your room, you can carry out the exercises and still get great results. Great!

Disadvantages of Insanity Workout

Disadvantages of Insanity Workout

In most cases, quality products and services that have remarkable advantages also have a few disadvantages. And the insanity workout program is no different.

Although in this case, the disadvantages are of little significance when compared to its incredible benefits. We have the disadvantages explained below.

  • Strenuous Exercises
  • Requires a high level of discipline and commitment

1. Strenuous Exercises

It is an undisputed fact that the insanity workout program is extremely tough.

You shouldn’t expect less from a workout tagged “Insanity.” Just like gold has to pass through the fire to unveil its hidden beauty, this workout brings out your best physical condition. Remember, no risk, no reward.

2. Requires a High Level of Discipline and Commitment

To complete all the scheduled exercises on the insanity workout schedule, you need to be consistent.

In other words, you must stay focused and determined. It takes a lot to see through this program to end. Ultimately, it will be worth it.

Limitation of Insanity Workout

The downside to the promising package of the insanity workout lies in its limitation factor. This workout experience is not for everyone, especially those with cardiac issues.

It has to be emphasized that this workout is highly demanding. This implies that if this workout isn’t suitable for you and you attempt it could negatively affect the performance of your muscles

This is why the insanity workout program instruction video recommends that you check with a doctor to see if this workout is the ideal fit for you. So, who should and who shouldn’t attempt the insanity? We have them listed below.

Who Shouldn’t Attempt the Insanity Workout

  • Beginners who have never exercised before.
  • Individuals with heart conditions — heart diseases or risk of having heart diseases
  • People who want to focus on strength training rather than burn calories or cardio training
  • Individuals with low-sugar levels (diabetic)
  • Those with pain in their knees and back or arthritis
  • Pregnant women
  • Injured persons

Who Should Attempt the Insanity Workout

  • Individuals who need more excellent health and fitness levels
  • Those who have a history of sports action
  • Athletes involved in obstacle course races
  • Individuals in good conditioning who carry out endurance workouts and exercise daily with weights

FAQs of Insanity Workouts Calories Burned

1. How long can I Take a Rest Before I Continue My Workout?

The insanity workout schedule is not designed for execution at a stretch. Whenever you see the need to allow your central nervous system and connective tissue time to recover, take a break.

2. Is the Insanity Workout Designed For Weight Training?

No, it isn’t. Insanity workout is designed to enhance your cardiovascular fitness and strength. This is why the program possesses specific body strengthening and endurance training.

3. Who Should Purchase the Insanity Workout Program?

This program was created to provide a highly intense workout that helps people lose weight, tone up, get into top physical condition, and enhance their cardiovascular system.

4. What Time is Ideal for Insanity Workout?

This depends on what suits you. However, we feel the ideal time should be immediately after you get out of your bed.

5. Is Insanity Workout Difficult?

Yes, it is. Insanity workout is not suitable for the faint-hearted because of its difficulty. Only individuals in great physical condition can carry out these exercises.

Insanity – Body Transformation in 60 days


In a nutshell, an insanity workout is not like the regular workout you have come to know over the years.

That said, it is like a knight in shining armor for any individual who is strong-willed and wishes to keep fit daily.

It gives you the freedom to execute a different kind of high-intensity exercise within the confines of your room.

So, if you cannot or do not want to hit the gym or lift weights but crave insane results, practicing this insane workout is your best bet. Try it today for amazing results!


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