
Learn How To Get Rid of Saddlebags – 3 Easy Steps

Get Rid of Saddlebags

Looking for neat ways to get rid of those pesky and annoying saddlebags? You came to the right place! Not only will we explain what the main causes of saddlebags are, but we’ll also offer you 3 useful and effective ways you can use to get rid of them! Forget about wasting time trying to figure this out on your own and let us cut your work in half. Let’s jump right into it!


Saddlebags – What They Are and What Causes Them

The wobbly fat accumulation that frequently forms across a person’s outer thighs where the gluteal and hamstring muscles converge are referred to as “saddlebags”. They are particularly common in women and may be quite challenging to tone up and lose, and they also contribute to a “pear-shaped” appearance that prevents women from developing an hourglass-shaped figure.

The large saddlebags used for horseback riding are the source of this distinctive name. This insightful comparison highlights how they can make a patient’s thighs and buttocks appear out of proportion to the rest of the body.

Additionally, saddlebag fat is very resistant to dieting. Low metabolic activity in adipocyte fat cells makes them more challenging and time-consuming to remove.

A person’s body may develop saddlebags for a number of causes, ranging from hormones and genetics to lifestyle choices. We all have varied fat storage patterns throughout our bodies. Therefore, some people could be more likely to gain weight around their stomachs than their thighs.

However, women are more likely to develop saddlebag fat than males. Take a look below to find out what three causes are the most common when it comes to developing saddlebags:

1. Genetics


For reproductive reasons, a woman’s body is also more susceptible to fat buildup in the thighs, hips, and butt. For instance, during pregnancy, fat is frequently deposited in the thigh region so that it may be utilized as a source of backup energy for the formation of breast milk.

In terms of evolution, this fat is likewise quite resistant to change. To aid in reproduction, the body will hang onto it naturally as a source of food during times of famine. This explains why many women remark that it is most difficult to lose belly fat after giving birth in the hips and thighs. If any of the women in your family have “pear-shaped” bodies, you are more likely to have saddlebags as well.

2. Muscle Atrophy

Muscle Atrophy

Living a sedentary lifestyle or spending the entire day at an office might also affect your saddlebags. Whenever the muscles in your lower back and buttocks are unused or inactive, the region where your glutes and upper hamstring muscles connect becomes soft. Saddlebags can develop if extra fat in this region builds up and protrudes outward at the side of the thighs.

Excess fat can accumulate in the tissues around muscles when they weaken from inactivity. In contrast to how they would seem if your muscles were toned, the saddlebags appear larger and more bulbous as a result. Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for preventing saddlebag fat from appearing.

3. Hormonal Imbalance

Horonal Imbalance

The hormonal imbalance might also lead to saddlebag fat buildup. Estrogen, a female sex hormone, may promote the buildup of fat in the thighs and belly. So even if you do not have extra fat deposits in other parts of your body, saddlebags might still form if your estrogen levels are too high or unbalanced.

Your estrogen levels might become too high, causing saddlebag weight gain, if you’re an older woman receiving hormone replacement medication to manage the symptoms of menopause, for instance.

3 Effective Tips on How To Get Rid of Saddlebags

1. Maintaining a Proper Diet

Proper Diet

We all know that having a healthy diet is important for our overall health. However, maintaining a proper diet is especially important when it comes to getting rid of saddlebags. Your chances of growing larger saddlebags may rise if you consume too many calories or if you frequently consume highly processed meals that are high in sugar and additives.

Instead, choose a healthier eating plan that places an emphasis on meals that will reduce your calorie intake while both satisfying your hunger and providing your body with the nutrients it needs.

When it comes to losing weight for the long term and not only in your thighs, cutting your calorie consumption might be a game-changer. Here’s what you should focus on when it comes to your dietary habits in relation to getting rid of saddlebag fat:

  • Steer clear of alcohol, sugary beverages, and highly processed meals
  • Rather than highly processed types, go for healthy carbohydrates like fruit and vegetables
  • Consider the calorie density; consume a lot of low-calorie meals to fill you up
  • Consume more protein-rich foods like meat and dairy—these foods will keep you satisfied for longer
  • Eat lean proteins like chicken, fish, and lentils
  • Consume complex carbs like quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread

2. Being Active

Active girl


Along with a better diet, regular exercise might help reduce saddlebags. You may burn fat and calories by being active and including exercise in your everyday routine.

During your lunch break, go for a stroll to help your legs become stronger and burn some calories. Next time, choose the stairs rather than the elevator. There are several things you may engage in to add some cardio to your everyday routine if you’re not interested in the gym. Among the cardio exercises you may do are:

  • Hiking
  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Dancing

3. Working Out

There are several activities you may incorporate into your routine to help reduce saddlebag fat if you like working out at the gym. Some beneficial activities that aid with saddlebag fat loss include:

1. Squats


One of the simplest workouts that don’t need any special equipment is squats. When performed correctly, they operate on several muscle groups and can aid in fat loss. Here’s how to perform them:

  • Your arms should be at your sides while you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Start pushing your hips back and bending your knees while you tighten your core and maintain a high chest. Be careful not to let your knees give way
  • Pause for two to three seconds after your thighs are parallel to the floor
  • Go back to the beginning place
  • For optimal results, perform this exercise 3 times for a total of 20 repetitions per day

2. Single-Leg Hip Raise

This workout develops your hips, glutes, and core while working on your hamstrings. What you should do is:

  • Lie on your back and have your right knee bent and your right foot flat on the ground
  • Raise your right leg so that it is parallel to your left leg
  • Keep your left leg up and lift your hips
  • Take a moment, then carefully reposition yourself
  • Repeat with the right leg after switching
  • Perform 12 repetitions on each leg

3. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers

These are regarded as one of the greatest cardio exercises for maintaining your shape. To complete this exercise, follow these steps:

  • Set your knees and hands on the ground
  • Put your left leg behind you and your right foot close to your right hand
  • Change your legs in a single fast motion while remaining in the same posture with your arms
  • The exercise should be repeated up to ten times

4. Burpees

Burpees are a difficult but useful exercise for anybody wishing to lose saddlebags. This is how you do it:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand
  • Put your hands on the ground in front of your feet while squatting down with your back straight
  • Kick your feet back so that you are on your hands and toes and in the pushup posture while supporting your weight with your hands
  • Before leaping to your feet and returning to the starting position, perform one push-up
  • From here, push yourself up and leap while raising your arms above your head
  • Every day, perform 3-4 sets of 10 burpees

5. Fire Hydrants

Fire Hydrants

Fire hydrants are great for strengthening your hip stability and training your glutes and outer thighs. Here’s what you should do:

  • Start by lying on your workout mat on all fours. Your hips should be higher than your knees, and your wrists should be squarely beneath your shoulders
  • Raise your right leg out to the side till your thigh is parallel to the floor while maintaining a bent knee. When your thigh reaches a hip height, stop. Maintain a stable pelvis
  • After maintaining the posture for two seconds, carefully return your leg to the beginning position
  • Prior to transferring to your left leg, perform 15 repetitions on your right side


Losing saddlebag fat doesn’t have to take forever! Although this task may seem very time-consuming and difficult, there are ways to make it a lot easier. You should focus on following the tips we provided and make sure you don’t give up if you don’t start seeing results right away.

Dropping weight always takes a bit of time and effort, so don’t become discouraged! Stay consistent and you’ll achieve your goals in time.

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