
5 Kettlebell Shoulder Workouts for Building Strength – Build Explosive Shoulder

kettlebell workout

If you’re someone who likes to work out, you might be interested in including a few kettlebell exercises into your routine. After all, these workouts are excellent for targeting different muscle groups and would be a great addition to almost any workout program.

There is no shortage of benefits you can gain from kettlebell exercises, but finding out the ideal ones for you and your needs may be a bit challenging and time-consuming. Not to worry, though! We’re here to help.

Since searching the Internet for answers can take days and not everyone has a professional to turn to and ask for advice when needed, we jump to your rescue.

By doing the research in your stead and putting together a user-friendly list of the best kettlebell workouts, we cut your work in half.

All you need to do is read this article carefully to find out which 5 kettlebell exercises you can do, as well as what are some of the great benefits these workouts provide! Let’s hop right into it.


Step-By-Step Guides to the Top 5 Kettlebell Shoulder Workouts


We compiled a list of the top 5 kettlebell exercises you can perform with ease to build strength. Take a look at our list below to learn all about these workouts and start performing the exercises like a pro:

1. Straight-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Hold

We’ll begin with the straight-arm overhead kettlebell hold. Exercises like the overhead hold are made to build stronger back, shoulder, and scapular stabilizer muscles. Increased core strength will result from practicing this exercise with large weights as well.

Even though it’s probably not the first exercise that comes to mind when you think about kettlebell workouts for the shoulders, this one is vital. Placing the kettlebell into the straight-arm overhead position shouldn’t be difficult, and there, it is held for up to 60 seconds.

When doing the overhead hold, the shoulder and the ear should be held away from the shoulder, and the wrist and the arm held dead straight. This exercise may be performed in 3 ways:

  • Kneeling Position
  • Standing Position (keep abs and glutes tight)
  • Walking (take a stroll with the kettlebell held overhead)

The aim is to make the muscles that support the shoulder joint stronger.

2. Kettlebell Windmill


The next workout on our list is the Kettlebell windmill, and this is one of the most popular kettlebell exercises.

The kettlebell windmill exercise is a very efficient kettlebell exercise that develops the core muscles, targets the shoulders directly, and enhances general joint mobility. This type of exercise would be categorized as a more advanced activity.

The kettlebell is held in the same overhead position with a straight arm and wrist as previously, and the opposing hand is then extended downward toward the floor. The final objective is to straighten both legs and reach the opposing ankle with the hand.

But for a beginner, getting into this full position can be difficult since it requires flexibility in the back and hamstrings, as well as the shoulder. The following adjustments can be made to assist the workout progress:

  • First, practice without the kettlebell
  • Keep one leg straight while bending the other leg just a little
  • Reach down as far as you can without bending your knees with straight legs between your feet
  • Head toward the direction of the opposing ankle

Exercises should be controlled and done gently. Make sure to keep your eye on the kettlebell upon descending.

3. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

Although learning the Turkish get-up might be challenging, the work is definitely worth it. This exercise provides a plethora of advantages for a variety of training objectives. The process of getting up works the entire body, putting a lot of strain on the muscles in the core and testing the shoulder’s stability.

The participant begins by lying on the floor, then stands up, and lowers themselves back down to the floor while holding the kettlebell with a straight arm and wrist.

The shoulder is compelled to stabilize the joint through a variety of angles during the whole action of the Turkish get-up. Since it’s a difficult exercise, the Turkish get-up should be developed in the following ways:

  • Start practicing without a kettlebell first
  • Hold a glass of water while practicing
  • Utilize a kettlebell to practice the half get-up
  • Utilize a kettlebell to practice the full get-up

4. Kettlebell Shoulder Push Press

Kettlebell Shoulder Push Press

The kettlebell press activates nearly every muscle in your body when done properly. In addition to strengthening the upper body, developing overhead strength will make doing routine overhead chores much easier. Before doing the tight overhead kettlebell shoulder press, beginners should begin with the push press.

In order to free the kettlebell from its sticking point while being held in the racked position at the chest during the kettlebell push press, a small amount of movement from the hips and legs is required.

The decline is crucial once the kettlebell has been raised to the highest position. Use the muscles under your armpits as a type of shelf to slowly control the kettlebell as it descends.

5. Kettlebell Thruster or Squat & Shoulder Press

kettlebell thruster

By intensifying the push portion of the activity, the kettlebell thruster takes the push press and makes the activity even more dynamic. The kettlebell squat and press is a full-body workout that severely engages the legs, buttocks, hamstrings, abs, back stabilizers, and cardio in addition to working the shoulders.

The demands on the shoulders are comparable to those of the push press in that the momentum from the bottom of the squat posture prevents the sticking point from the racked position. Additionally, you’ll experience shoulder fatigue from simply gripping the kettlebell during the workout.

Kettlebell Shoulder Workouts – Benefits

Now that you’re acquainted with the kettlebell workouts you can choose, it’s time to learn what benefits you can expect from them too. The truth is, there is no shortage of advantages these exercises provide for both amateurs and professionals.

Learning how to perform them won’t take a lot of time, which is an excellent thing, especially considering the results will be excellent. We provide you with a list of the 5 main benefits you can look forward to when it comes to kettlebell workouts—check it out:

  • Better grip & forearms—A kettlebell increases grip strength because of its thicker handle (thicker than a dumbbell or barbell). By moving a kettlebell, you may achieve more dynamic muscular contractions since the center of gravity shifts along with your hold
  • No large training space required—You can do a lot with a small number of kettlebells, so you don’t need to consistently train at a large facility. Kettlebells are the perfect equipment for storing and saving space, which is why home gyms and smaller training areas are becoming more and more common
  • Reduced workout time—The majority of us have busy schedules and little time for two or three hours of intense exercise each day. You will have much more time for your chores and other obligations when you use kettlebells for a 20-minute full-body exercise that is effective instead of spending an eternity in the gym
  • Flexibility—Kettlebells may be used almost everywhere because they are easy to store and take up very little room. No matter where you exercise, they can provide short workouts due to their portability
  • Cardio—Exercises with kettlebells are extremely dynamic and target a variety of muscle groups. Your heart rate increases as you perform the various routines, providing you with built-in cardio

Workouts with a kettlebell make you use your hips and glutes more than usual. For instance, doing kettlebell swings can strengthen your stability and engage your glutes, giving you power and strength. Kettlebell exercises are fantastic because they target your core muscles.

Having a solid core helps you do exercises like the goblet squat with better form and stronger muscles. Because your body stability and core strength are so heavily emphasized, you inevitably adopt a better posture.

workout with kettlebell


Finding the best kettlebell shoulder workouts may seem like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. Although you could find a wide range of different exercises online, the sources aren’t always reliable and the information is often incomplete or incorrect.

That is why we made sure to provide you with an easy-to-read list of the top 5 kettlebell workouts that you’ll be able to perform easily, no matter if you’re a beginner or a professional. You won’t even have to go to the gym if you don’t want to!

These workouts don’t require large training spaces, so you’ll be able to do them in the comfort of your own home if that’s what you prefer. The important thing is that you pay close attention to our guide so that you know which kettlebell exercises to choose and which ones would be ideal for your needs.

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